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Home Other Checks and Registrations Education Sector Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks in Australia

Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks for the Australian Education Sector

Australian National Character Check (ANCC®) provides Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks for the purpose of teacher registration and other purposes in the Australian education sector.

Most checks are dispatched to applicants within 24 to 48 hours of completion, with the exception of those that automatically get referred for manual processing.

Checks are dispatched via email with the option to order a hard copy certificate. Applicants can make payment securely via PayPal, credit card or debit card.

Individual applicants can order criminal history checks using the online Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application form.

Universities and other educational institutions can streamline the ordering, tracking and management of Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks via ANCC's business portal. Registration for the business portal is free of charge and there are no lock-in contracts or hidden fees.

About background checks in the Australian Education Sector

The Australian government shows unwavering support and priority towards the Education sector. All education systems from; child care to the universities and tertiary and advanced levels are supervised via various forms of regulations and Checks.

The requirements/evaluations by the law to become a teacher can either be educational, legal or psychological evaluation.

Educational qualifications test for the applicant's knowledge, certifications and experience in the chosen field. It depends on the education grade

Some of the educational qualifications are:

Educational requirements

✔ Bachelor's degree or higher degree; those who teach primary, secondary schools and higher.

✔ Exposed to activities of registered teachers and administrators

Test of English Language Proficiency Test (if applicable)

✔ Where the applicant is a visa holder

✔ The applicant is an overseas applicant (from a non-native English speaking country)

✔ The applicant is from a native speaking country but has not attained the minimum years required.

Skill Requirements

It accounts for most of the psychological evaluation of a Teacher. Some of the evaluations include;

✔ Applicant ability to build a good rapport with students/pupils as a skill

✔ Applicant's organisation and communication skill

✔ Leadership abilities

✔ Teaching methods and approach

However, for the skill evaluations, there may not be a standard test or tests available. It can be done through physical interviews or pre-teaching.

Teachers Registration

Almost all professions in Australia require a prospective educator/administrator to register with the official body, teachers inclusive. Anyone who aims to teach or has completed the teacher certification must register with their state regulating body

The first stage of registration is as an 'instructor', and then, the individual can be elevated to 'Proficient'.

The registration process will require the individual to produce the results of mainly two checks;

What is a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

Before gaining employment/admission to most organisations in Australia, you must provide a valid Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result. A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate contains all releasable convictions of an individual issued by the Australian Police authorities.

An Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check will include the conviction details, irrespective of the State or Territory where the offence was committed.

One of the registration procedures to become an instructor in Australia in any State is to submit your Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results.

What comes out in your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for the Education Sector?

A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate contains sensitive details about an individual. If you request a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for Education purposes, here are some convictions that may appear on your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate;

Disclosable Court Outcomes; the individual has a past conviction/charges to his records, and some examples are;

  • Convictions/Charges against corporate organisations
  • Sexually related offences
  • Traffic charges for which an individual is convicted
  • Sentences and Convictions
  • Pending court charges and offences
  • Finding of guilt
  • Sexually related convictions
  • Convictions stated by the regulations
  • Convictions for which a prison sentence of six or more months is imposed
An individual may also have to disclose all "finding of guilt". Also, any other category that falls under the section 10 dismissal or other conditional release order.These convictions mean you were guilty, but no criminal conviction was recorded against you.

However, if you have no past offence or pending charge, your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check will return as a No-disclosable court outcome (NDCO). It means you have no records on the National Criminal Database and are free to apply for any position you are eligible for.

Some of the “charges” that will not show up in a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for Education purposes are:
  • Findings of non-guilt.
  • Diversion programs.
  • Punitive measures by third party institutions or other professional bodies/unions.
  • Offences outside the jurisdiction of Australian police agencies/courts.
Checks for the education sector may be for the purpose of teacher registration, a student Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, or other checks in the education sector.

How can I get a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check in Australia?

You cannot stress enough the importance of an Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. Especially Checks relevant to the position you apply for.

There are two main ways you can obtain your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Australia;

  • Online via accredited agencies

  • Australian National Character Check (ANCC) is a government accredited agency that issues applicants with valid Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks. Any individual that requires their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check as quickly as a day can apply through the online portal.

    Applicants can complete the required process using their Tablets, PC, or mobile devices connected to the internet. Applicants can use secure services such as; payments, form submission, ID verification to get a quicker and convenient service.

  • Via the Local Police authorities

  • Applicants can also apply through their local police authorities by visiting the Police offices. However, this process can prove stressful and slower than the online method.

    The applicant has to complete all the necessary application forms and verification in-person. This may include several trips to get identification documents certified or attested.

    How long is a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check valid in Australia?

    If you have applied for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, you may think it is a once-for-all type of check. A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check in Australia is a point in time check. The expiry depends on the internal risk strategies of the requesting party. Most requesting parties do not accept checks that are older than three months.

    However, the government encourages institutions and agencies to request updated checks at respectable intervals from their employees.

    Working With Children Checks (WWCC) in the Education Sector

    Whether you are applying for an administrative or teaching role in the Educational sector, you must provide a Working with Children Check (WWCC). In essence, any role that involves proximity/services to Children will require the applicant to present a WWCC.

    What is a Working with Children Check?

    A Working with Children Check is an ongoing assessment of an individual that shows their eligibility to work with Children. It is enforced by the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012.

    The main aim of a Working with Children Check is to protect the Child from potential abuses and promote their welfare and rights. It is a criminal offence for a Teacher/Administrator who handles minors not to possess the required clearance and WWCC certificates. and Tasmania, the check is referred to as a working with vulnerable people check (WWVP).

    A Work with Children Check differs from a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Australia in the following ways;

    ✔ Non conviction charges

    ✔ Disciplinary records

    ✔ All offences against minors including, abuses, assaults and improper conducts

    What happens if I fail my Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

    If you have some disclosable offences (DCOs) or have failed a Working with Children Check, you don't have to give up. Some applicants are granted the positions they apply for even after failing one of their checks. However, the individual may have to undergo more rigorous background checks and assessment.

    Still, background check requirements for the education sector are strict and nothing is certain. If you hope to work with Children or in Education related roles, criminal history will likely hold you back from doing so due to strict laws when working with the vulnerable.

    Steps to apply for the Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

    The Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is based on the National Name Index comparison. It compares the data you provide, with the information on the Police records and National Criminal Database. This is why you must verify and re-check the details you have provided in your online application form.

    The information you will need to provide are;

    ✔ All names; including aliases, monikers, and maiden names

    ✔ Address (es) of all residential places ever stayed over 5 years.

    ✔ Date of Birth

    ✔ Four forms of identification documents.

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    About ANCC

    ANCC® enables individuals and approved legal entities to apply for a nationally coordinated criminal history check, which is commonly referred to as a nationally coordinated criminal history check. The nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid all over Australia and can be used when applying for Employment, Probity, Licencing, or Commonwealth check purposes. Get discount employment background checks online. We beat prices!


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