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Home Other Checks and Registrations Gig Economy Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks in Australia

Gig Economy Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks in Australia

Australian National Character Check (ANCC) makes it simple for Gig Economy workers like rideshare drivers, delivery drivers, and others to obtain their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check online.

Most checks are dispatched to applicants within 24 hours with the remaining that get referred for manual processing taking longer.

The application process can be completed online and Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results are dispatched via email. An optional hard copy certificate can be requested.

Individual applicants (e.g. gig economy drivers) can apply for their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check using the online Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application form.

Gig Economy companies can streamline the ordering, tracking, and payments of Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks using ANCC's business portal for Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks. Join the many local and international businesses that use ANCC's business portal to streamline Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks.

Introduction to Australia's Gig Economy

Even among less tech savvy nations, the gig economy is taking various industries in the economy by storm. As technology advances and physical/social barriers make physical processes difficult, the gig economy continues to rise rapidly. Even among less tech savvy nations, the gig economy is taking various industries in the economy by storm. As technology advances and physical/social barriers make physical processes difficult, the gig economy continues to rise rapidly.

The Gig economy in Australia is growing more than expected, and the government is not wavering in the responsibility of providing security and better welfare.

A beautiful feature of the gig economy is how it espouses the core tenets of capitalism and merits. Mostly qualified/talented individuals perform the "closely contested" jobs, most times through mini bidding like in freelancing. However, it could lead to higher risks of fraud, crime or impersonation; since the contract between both parties are usually short term (e.g. Uber drivers and passengers, freelance nanny, and co).

Many young Australians are likely to move into the gig economy for temporary or part time work.

Building public trust in the Gig economy

When frauds or other misdemeanours occur in the gig economy, the public becomes increasingly sceptical towards them in future. Plus with constant acts like this, the public may even begin to intimate a pattern to them. This is why trust is a bigger issue in non-traditional institutions like the gig economy.

As a company providing a gig platform or as an employer of gig workers, there are measures you can take to stump out crime and other frauds on your platform. The most credible and trusted of these measures is a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check in Australia.

What is a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Australia?

A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate in Australia contains the entire criminal and Police records of an individual deemed releasable by that state or territory.

A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check can have only two possible outcomes;

Disclosable Court Outcome (DCOs) or No-Disclosable Court Outcomes (NDCOs).

Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks have become required criteria before employment into most organisations in Australia. In services such as rideshare or delivery driver services like Uber, Ola, Menulog, Didi, etc, the government makes it a mandatory requirement for drivers to undergo a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.

Who can request a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check in Australia?

All persons that intend to obtain employment, licensing or accreditation in Australia can apply for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. However, it becomes pressing when such individual wants to enter the gig economy especially in areas like;

  • Public Passenger Transport Drivers (e.g. Rideshare drivers)
  • Delivery Drivers (e.g. Uber Eats Drivers, Menulog Drivers, Deliveroo workers, etc.)
  • Commercial drivers and other paid driving service
  • Freelance roles that may come into contact with vulnerable populations
  • Consultation services that may come into contact with vulnerable populations
  • All other Gig Economy roles that involve direct or indirect proximity or communication with vulnerable groups.

Where can I request a valid Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Australia for the gig economy?

Applicants can apply via a local police authority or via an accredited service like ANCC.

Getting a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check through the local police authorities may be cumbersome. The process may not be completely online and you may be required to get your identification documents certified or attested.

The application process tends to be easier and faster than laid out above when you apply through the online platforms of Australian National Character Check (ANCC). Individuals can get their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results in as quick as a few hours.

Not only is our process easy, but the application is also straightforward. It can be completed within 10 or so minutes.

We also provide a host of customer support services and solutions to any problems applicants might encounter.

What is shown on my Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate?

If you have ever been convicted of an offence in Australia (with or without sentencing) it will appear on your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result, except where stipulated by the court.

A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate can return as either a

No Disclosable Court Outcome (NDCO): The individual has no conviction at all or that is considered releasable by the State.

Disclosable Court Outcomes (DCOs): It contains details and a list of an individual's convictions and offences in Australia.

If your result comes out with DCOs, here are the kinds of convictions you will expect for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for the gig economy;

  • Sexually related offences
  • Traffic charges for which an individual is convicted
  • Sentences and Convictions
  • Pending court charges and offences

What is not shown on a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check in Australia?

When you have requested a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, you don't have to be scared of the results. It may not even be half as bad as you hoped; not all offences are considered "serious" enough to be included in a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Australia.

Some offences will not show up in your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate like;
  • Findings of non-guilt.
  • Convictions outside the country
  • Diversion programs.
  • Punitive measures by third party institutions or other professional bodies/unions.
  • Offences outside the jurisdiction of Australian police agencies/courts

How long is a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for Gig Economy workers valid for?

Whether as an Uber driver, a freelance writer, delivery driver, or whatever part of the gig economy, the validity of a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check depends mostly on the requesting organisation. A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is a point-in-time Check; valid from the point of issue till an updated check is obtained.

However, the gig providing platform (Uber, Ola, Fiverr, etc.) may stipulate the maximum validity period for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks submitted to them depending on their internal risk mitigation strategy. For most brands, it is usually between 3 and 6 months.

The government hardly interferes in matters such as the age limits of Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks but encourages brands to apply sensible measures.

However, if you are convicted of an offence between the period before you obtain an updated check, you must request a new Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, and inform your client or gig providing company. Gig providing platforms should also encourage users to provide updated Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks within reasonable periods.

Can a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check take longer than 48 hours?

ANCC returns over 80% of completed and successful check results to applicants within 24 to 48 hours.

However, about 20% of applications are not completed by the national check authorities within the expected period and may take longer. If this happens, it means the application is flagged for a "manual review" and is outside of ANCC's control.

The check algorithm compares the applicant's info with the details in the Australian Criminal National Database. Any error in the applicant's data will lead to the application being flagged for "manual review".

If an application is under “manual review”, it may cause a delay of between 3 and 15 business days, until the official is satisfied.

We understand that a manual review will likely affect your income (delays) in the gig economy. That is why we encourage applicants to allow adequate time when applying for their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and provide up to date and correct information.

It is blatantly impossible for us (or any others) to know which applications will be flagged for "manual review". However, in such rare cases, we provide the applicants with useful help and data and follow up on the delay till it is resolved.

How to apply for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for the gig economy

More than the traditional economy, the gig economy is depleting the barriers between services and customer satisfaction. However, people should not only be comfortable through the service you offer to them, but they should also feel safe and secure.

Applying for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check places you on a higher rating in the “trusted” providers. With a few documents in a few steps, you can meet this.

The information every applicant must provide are;

✔ All names; including aliases, monikers, and maiden names

✔ Address (es) of all residential places ever stayed over the past five years.

✔ Date of Birth

✔ Four forms of Identification documents and a biometric link to establish linkage to the documents and also to establish liveness.

Steps for applying for an Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate on the Australian National Character Check portal are;

  1. Using your internet-enabled device, log on to through a secure browser to the

  2. Select Start a New Check in the options and Proceed to answer the questions

  3. Choose the correct purpose of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (if you select a wrong purpose, you may have to pay for a new one)

  4. Fill the required fields correctly and carefully (including your preferred e-mail and mail address)

  5. Pay the stipulated fee that appears using any of our advanced online paying options (PayPal, Credit card, Debit Cards, MasterCard, and co.)

  6. Upload your identification documents

  7. Cross-Check the information you have provided before submitting

What happens if I fail my Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

Depending on the branch of the gig economy you offer service, your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check may be rejected by the platform. However, this should not be the end of your journey. Build networks, seek alternative means or register with alternative platforms that are more lenient. Also, treat old time clients well, they are the best customers you will ever get.

Failing a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check does not mean giving up or moping about it. There are still other areas of the gig economy you can take a hold of like freelance writing, video editing, graphics design and other areas that may not have contact with vulnerable people or have strict criminal record screening requirements.

Wrapping Up

Australian National Character Check (ANCC) makes it easier for individuals and businesses who need a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for the purpose of gig economy work.

Decision makers can also verify the authenticity of a Check through the "Verify a Check” option.

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About ANCC

ANCC® enables individuals and approved legal entities to apply for a nationally coordinated criminal history check, which is commonly referred to as a nationally coordinated criminal history check. The nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid all over Australia and can be used when applying for Employment, Probity, Licencing, or Commonwealth check purposes. Get discount employment background checks online. We beat prices!


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