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Home Resources & Technical Articles Pre-Employment Screening Topics Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks How to check the status of a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate

How to check the status of a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate

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There are numerous applications for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate each day, and these applicants need the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate for various purposes in Australia. Depending on the role or purpose, applicants usually seek the quickest medium that processes and returns their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check in Australia.

For a quick response and return for their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result, many applicants apply to accredited online service providers like Australian National Character Check (ANCC).

Online applications are as smooth as easy; the candidate can apply using any internet-connected device from their locations.

Regardless of the application method, most applicants want to know how far their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Certificate is. While this is an easy feature for most online applications, it is not the same for the traditional application method, though it can be done.

Checking the Status of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Certificate

Any candidate that wants to check the status of their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check should go through the agency or medium they applied with. You cannot track the status of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check from a different agency from which you applied with.

  • Checking the status of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check Online

If you apply for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check online through ANCC, it is easy for you to verify the status of your application at any time. The ANCC has a unique "Track a Check" feature through which all applicants can view the status of their application.

To confirm the status of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, the applicant must provide the following details about the check;

  • The Email address they used to register the account for application
  • The Reference Number of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check; every Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check applicant is issued a reference number unique to their application at the beginning of the check.

It may not be impossible to check the status of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check if you cannot provide these details about your application. Also, only candidates who apply through ANCC can use the "Track a Check" feature from the ANCC portal.

If you have applied online through any other approved service providers, you should contact their customer care service to direct you on your Check.

  • Tracking a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check through the Local Police office

Many of the traditional methods of applying for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check pass through the Australian Federal Police. Candidates who apply through the AFP should visit any local Police office near them or call their criminal records section to track their application.

It is only logical that you should contact the medium that processed your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check if you completed the background check through that medium. It will be impossible for an agency or medium that does not have your application details to search for your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application on their database.

What information does Tracking a Check give?

Tracking your Check is the best way to know how well your application is and how far along it is. The information you get by using the “track a check” option can help you prepare better by either adjusting your schedule or even downloading it (if it is ready).

When you use the “track a check” feature, you will get the following information about your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check;

  • That your application is at the NPCS

The "Track a Check" option or similar feature for other agencies will provide helpful information about the position of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.

  • If your application is under manual processing

If the check algorithm hits certain difficulties in an application, it may discontinue the process until an official comes to supervise and coordinate the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. Candidates dread their accounts being flagged for Manual Processing.

If your application is flagged for manual processing, it can delay your application by 5 and 15 days.

  • If your application is referred to the Police jurisdictions

If the NPCS matches (or finds a potential match) of your profile on the Australian Criminal database, it will refer it to the relevant Police jurisdiction. The Police will compare the records from the NPCS to ascertain whether the candidate is a (Person of Interest).

Also, the NPCS will forward your result to the Police jurisdiction if you have an outstanding warrant, criminal charges, infringement or fine on the Police records.

  • If your application details are incomplete

If the NPCS cannot continue with your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check due to critical data/information missing, it will send back a message through the processing agency. The agency can reach the applicant through the contact information they have submitted.

If your application is incomplete, you will need to proceed to the “Resume a Check” option on the portal to complete the missing field.

Tracking your Check is also a good way for the applicant to know if there is any other verification or additional requirement the NPCS requires of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application.

  • Download your results if ready

When using the ANCC portal, tracking your Check will inform you when your Check is available in a pdf or other format. If your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result is ready, you can download it through the link that will show up on the page.

Although ANCC also sends a completion message to the applicant's email when their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result is ready to download. You also have unlimited access to your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result when you apply through ANCC.

  • How far along your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application is

The "Track a Check" option is an excellent way to monitor the progress of your Check, especially in real-time. The information contains the completed steps and the outstanding processes that your application must cover.

  • To Retrieve a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

Losing a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is usually a sad occurrence, but it is easy to retrieve it, mainly if you apply online through ANCC. If you have lost or misplaced a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, you can retrieve a copy of the original Check by selecting the "Track a Check" feature of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.

To retrieve a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check, you must provide the Email address and Reference number of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check application.

You can download or retrieve your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate for up to 12 months on their database.

What do I need to “Track a Check” on the ANCC database?

Although using the "Track a Check" feature is easier on the Australian National Character Check portal, the candidate still has to provide specific details about their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application to track the check result successfully.

The candidate must provide;

  • The email address they used to apply for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

Before you start an application with the Australian National Character Check, the candidate must open an account with their email. The candidate will receive their reference number and their completed Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result as a soft copy in this mail.

  • The reference number of the application

Every Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result has a unique identification number at the top corner of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate. The reference number is the most critical part of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check, and it is helpful in many other requests.

Whether you request customer service or Track your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, you have to provide the reference number.

Can a third party check the status of a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check?

Most third-party organisations streamline the process of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application to make it easier for the recruitment process. It also curbs any form of discrepancies common with the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application.

ANCC offers a Business Portal service that allows the approved employer to verify their business and initiate the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check process for their own candidates. If an organisation conducts all the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks for their applicants, they can manage the process through the Track a Check feature.

Not only will the employer be able to view the check, but they can also prepare better and make better assessments based on the status of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. For the Business Portal feature, there is a unique "Track a Check" feature.

What happens if my Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application is delayed?

Most of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check processed and submitted through the ANCC returns to the applicants within 24 hours of their application. However, it sometimes happens (30% of the applications) that some applications are delayed for various reasons. In the case of manual processing, the application may take up to 15 business days.

If your application is delayed, the ANCC sends a notification and information to your email informing you of the delay. However, if you crave more updates, you can also view more information about the check through the "Track a Check" option on the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.

How long should an online Police application take?

Since the licensing of certain agencies to process the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application together with the traditional means, the delivery rate has gone up. These days applications completed online take less than 24 hours to complete unless there is a delay with the application.

Some various issues or errors can hold up an application at the National Police Checking Service.

Some of these issues include;

  • Incomplete details

The Check system may discontinue a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check entirely if it finds some vital data missing on the application. If the human official cannot correct such matters, the NPCS will refer the application back to the candidate's agency.

  • Outstanding penalties on the applicant's records

Suppose your application matches that for a Person of Interest, or the check indicates that you have outstanding records with the Police or other agencies. In that case, the NPCS will forward your application for confirmation.

It is easier when candidates settle all their infringements and outstanding fines before applying for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate.

  • Manual processing

An application that the algorithm cannot sort will be flagged for "manual processing", and when this happens, an official will have to supervise the check manually.

Can I influence the Processing of my Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

Although you can check the status of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, you cannot influence or speed up the application process. The NPCS issues dedicated systems and algorithms until they find a match or matter of interest.

No agency or official can influence the speed of a Background Check or foretell if it will be delayed for manual review. If your application gets delayed, it will take as much as the time to correct the matter.

How does the NPCS do the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check?

The Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check is known by various names but legally, the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). However, the basic definition for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check is a Name check.

The NPCS compares the details the candidate stated in their application form with the data on the Australian Criminal Database. If the check returns a match or lists the candidate as a P.O.I, the NPCS forwards the results to the respective Police jurisdiction for confirmations and verification.

Suppose the candidate has resided in various Territories or States. In that case, the NPCS will have to forward the copies to the relevant jurisdictions, and this may cause delays due to organisation policies.

How long can you use the Reference number of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

You can access the "Track a Check" feature of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for up to 12 months. After this period, all data relating to the candidate and their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Check details are securely cleared off the database.

How can I obtain a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?


If you are an individual, you can obtain a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check online via Australian National Character Check's application and informed consent form. The results are dispatched via email.

Business and Enterprise Customers

Business and Enterprise customers are able to sign up to ANCC's business portal where they can order, manage, track and view candidates' Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results on their business portal.

Organisations will undergo a process of approval prior to being granted access to ANCC's business portal for the purpose of nationally coordinated criminal history checks.

ANCC sends an invite to the applicant to complete their background check online and handles the application and informed consent form. Contact ANCC's business and enterprise partnerships team today to enquire about setting up a business portal for your organisation.

Copyright & Disclaimer

The content on this website is communicated to you on behalf of Australian National Character Check™ (ANCC®) pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act).

The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction of this material may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.

You may include a link on your website pointing to this content for commercial, educational, governmental or personal use.

The contents of this website do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for legal or professional advice.

Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

Discount Base Price:

$52.90 + GST

$24.90 + GST

Base price including GST: $58.19

Base price including GST: $27.39

Start check Express processing available
See information (i) (i) Add the 'Jump higher in the queue' add-on at payment check out. This is a premium service and your application will jump higher in ANCC's internal queue, to be looked at sooner. Each application is reviewed by ANCC staff in accordance with federal government guidelines, prior to sending the application for a result. This means your application will be reviewed faster by ANCC. Any express processing (jump higher in the queue) only relates to the part of the process completed by Australian National Character Check (ANCC) for reviewing the application in accordance with federal government guidelines. Once ANCC has sent a check for a result, the National Police Checking Service or police agencies do not offer an express service. 70% of checks are returned in 24 hours. 30% of checks can take 15 days or longer.

Why use ANCC?


Fast online application form

The online application form can be completed in a few minutes online. 70% of results are dispatched in 24 hours. Approximately 30% can take longer than 15 days due to a 'potential match'.


Australian based support team

All of our staff are based in Canberra, ACT. All data is stored securely in Australia. Each application is checked in accordance with Federal Government guidelines. Support staff are available from Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM.


Top rated employment background check provider

ANCC is amongst the highest rated employment background check providers. Refer to ANCC's Google Reviews, Product Reviews and Trust Pilot Reviews.


Guaranteed to be valid Australia wide

A nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid in all States and Territories of Australia.

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About ANCC

ANCC® enables individuals and approved legal entities to apply for a nationally coordinated criminal history check, which is commonly referred to as a nationally coordinated criminal history check. The nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid all over Australia and can be used when applying for Employment, Probity, Licencing, or Commonwealth check purposes. Get discount employment background checks online. We beat prices!


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