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Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Expiry in Queensland

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The Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is a document of attestation confirming the candidate's interaction with the courts and the law within the QLD and national jurisdiction.

All these make the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check an important assessment document in Queensland, and even outside the state.

A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is a point in time check and has no set expiry date. Decision makers (e.g. employers) determine the validity period of a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check based on their own internal risk mitigation policies. Generally, most employers do not accept a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check that is older than three (3) months

Does a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check ever expire?

When the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check for a person is issued, it contains the previous records of the individual up until the date of issue. And this is why it is called a point-in-time check.

The Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check cannot include the current convictions of the holder except an updated Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is obtained.

Technically, the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check does not expire, and it does not even have an expiry document like some other certificates or assessment results. However, this "expiry conundrum" is quite different in the corporate world.

Employers conclude that 3 months is a maintainable period that the candidate will not have a conviction.

What do I do if a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check expires?

The Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is a renewable assessment certificate not constrained by periods, frequency or application.

If your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is older than 3 months since the day you obtained it, you can apply for a renewal at ANCC.

Renewing your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is similar to obtaining a new Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, and you will need the same verification IDs and fill the same application forms.

Can an employer renew the employee's Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

The Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application can be completed and submitted on behalf of the applicant. However, this process must be with the informed consent of the candidate. And the employer must follow the Privacy Act in Use and Disclosure of Criminal records.

Some Organizations prefer to request nationally coordinated criminal history checks directly from their employees using ANCC's business portal for nationally coordinated criminal history checks.

For some roles like aged care work, the legislation makes a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check mandatory, especially for sensitive roles. And employers in such sectors must within regular and respectable intervals request updated nationally coordinated criminal history checks from the candidate.

Why do most Organisations not accept a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check older than 3 months?

The Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check was never meant to expire, and within regular intervals be updated as the requesting party considered.

Most organisations know that the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check will only include the criminal history and not a current record of the candidate. And this is one of the reasons why employers will not accept an "outdated" Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. Other reasons include;

  • The risk mitigations strategy the employer adopts

Every employer has its systems and modules of averting risks, especially those that affect the trust and properties of their customers. And some of them include requesting updated and current assessments of all their employees.

Therefore, more like a tacit consensus, most employers will not accept Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results older than 3 months.

  • Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks are meant to be current records

A Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check obtained more than a year ago does not disclose criminal records after the period of issuance.

If an employer must assess the candidate correctly based on their convictions record, they must request recent Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results.

How to renew a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

Candidates who want to obtain/or renew a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check have three options. They can apply through any of the following methods provided;

  • Approved Online Service Provider (ANCC)

When you apply online, you will get your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate online via email. The application process involves filling a simple form that takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

You can apply online using any; PC, tablet, or mobile device connected to the internet. Also, you can complete all ID verification, document submission, and other payments online. It is a convenient method, especially for those with a tight schedule.

By following these steps, you can receive a copy of your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check online:

  1. Select the “Start Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check” button on the portal of the Australian National Character Check.
  2. Complete the application form provided with accurate details of the examples listed below.
  3. Fill in all contact details and extra information required on the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. Cross-check previous data you entered.
  4. Select and fill the purpose of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application; probity, employment, and so on.
  5. Complete payments via any of the online options; PayPal, Debit/Credit card, and co.
  6. Provide the requested Identification documents by;
  • Taking photos,
  • Scanning and uploading,
  • Mailing copies (Post/Police office).
  1. Send all IDs before you can finally submit a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application.
  2. Sign the informed consent online before submitting the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application.
  3. Use our “Track a Check” option on the website to track the status of the application. The certificates are also downloadable.
  4. Get an electronic copy of the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check result. It is sent to the Email address on your application.

  • Applying through the Local Police

Alternatively, some employers may request that you obtain the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check from the Police. It in no way sprites the authenticity of the check, it just depends on the requesting party's preference.

Applying to the police may require a physical visit to the Local QLD Police office. At the Police office, you will receive an application form to fill and complete your details. All information you submit should be corroborated by any of the verification IDs you submit.

Applying at the local police office may be a physical process that requires you to certify ID documents.

  • Applying through your Local Post office

The Post office forwards all Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check applications from the candidate to the National Check agency. Applicants must submit all requested information together with the specified ID verification.

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The content on this website is communicated to you on behalf of Australian National Character Check™ (ANCC®) pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act).

The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction of this material may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.

You may include a link on your website pointing to this content for commercial, educational, governmental or personal use.

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Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

Discount Base Price:

$52.90 + GST

$24.90 + GST

Base price including GST: $58.19

Base price including GST: $27.39

Start check Express processing available
See information (i) (i) Add the 'Jump higher in the queue' add-on at payment check out. This is a premium service and your application will jump higher in ANCC's internal queue, to be looked at sooner. Each application is reviewed by ANCC staff in accordance with federal government guidelines, prior to sending the application for a result. This means your application will be reviewed faster by ANCC. Any express processing (jump higher in the queue) only relates to the part of the process completed by Australian National Character Check (ANCC) for reviewing the application in accordance with federal government guidelines. Once ANCC has sent a check for a result, the National Police Checking Service or police agencies do not offer an express service. 70% of checks are returned in 24 hours. 30% of checks can take 15 days or longer.

Why use ANCC?


Fast online application form

The online application form can be completed in a few minutes online. 70% of results are dispatched in 24 hours. Approximately 30% can take longer than 15 days due to a 'potential match'.


Australian based support team

All of our staff are based in Canberra, ACT. All data is stored securely in Australia. Each application is checked in accordance with Federal Government guidelines. Support staff are available from Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM.


Top rated employment background check provider

ANCC is amongst the highest rated employment background check providers. Refer to ANCC's Google Reviews, Product Reviews and Trust Pilot Reviews.


Guaranteed to be valid Australia wide

A nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid in all States and Territories of Australia.

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About ANCC

ANCC® enables individuals and approved legal entities to apply for a nationally coordinated criminal history check, which is commonly referred to as a nationally coordinated criminal history check. The nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid all over Australia and can be used when applying for Employment, Probity, Licencing, or Commonwealth check purposes. Get discount employment background checks online. We beat prices!


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