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Home Resources & Technical Articles Pre-Employment Screening Topics Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks Who can certify documents for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

Who can certify documents for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

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Applying for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check in Australia can be easy if you understand the application process and all the things you need to. It even gets easier when you apply through an accredited online service provider.

Yes, online platforms like Australian National Character Check process the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application for the candidate. In addition to helping with processing the Police Check, they also ease the process through their customer support services for candidates who do not understand it so well.

It is important to note that the online nationally coordinated criminal history check application process via Australian National Character Check (ANCC) does not require an applicant to certify identification documents. ANCC uses advanced methods by verifying ID documents via the Australian government's document verification service (DVS) to check the authenticity of identity documents as well as other internal methods via our software system.

However, if you are applying for a nationally coordinated criminal history check via a State or Territory Police Force then you may need to certify or attest your ID documents. You should carefully check the instructions of the nationally coordinated criminal history check provider and follow their instructions accordingly.

What should the applicant know before a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application?

One of the things applicants should know before a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application is how to certify the Identity Document they submit (if it is needed).

Using the online process of ANCC, ID documents do not need to be certified. However, if you are applying via a State or Territory Police Force or via the post office, you may need to certify your ID documents. If ID documents need to be certified, they must be certified by authorised personnel or officials in Australia.

However, this is not a process you need to worry about; certifying an Identity document is easy, especially when you follow through with the helpful guide here.

Who certifies a Document for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application (if certification is required)?

The Australian rules makes the certification process easier for candidates due to the number of professionals allowed to act upon the Document. There is hardly a limitation to certifying your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check documents when you consider the number of personnel that can certify your documents. They include;

  • ✔ Health professionals

Almost all the registered health workers in the different divisions and sectors of medicine can certify your Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. These group includes;

  • Chiropractor,
  • Dentist,
  • Midwife,
  • Optometrist,
  • Osteopath,
  • Pharmacist,
  • Podiatrist,
  • Psychologist,
  • Nurse,
  • Medical radiation,
  • Chinese medicine practitioner,
  • Radiographer,
  • And other professionals in the health sector
  • ✔ Public servants

All those employed to the Federal, State, and Local Territory service for over five years can certify your documents for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application.

  • ✔ Teachers

It includes all educators working a full or part-time job in a university or other tertiary establishments in Australia.

  • ✔ Legal professionals
  • All who practice in the legal sector can certify the documents for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. These groups include any of;
  • Lawyers,
  • Legal practitioners,
  • Patent attorney,
  • Trademark attorney
  • Property Lawyers

  • ✔ Court Staff and Workers
  • All who work in the courtrooms, establishment and affiliate can certify a document. These include;
  • Magistrate,
  • Court Registrar,
  • Deputy Registrar,
  • Clerk,
  • Master of Court,
  • CEO of the commonwealth court,
  • Bailiff,
  • Justices
  • ✔ Commissioner of Affidavits or declarations, depending on the jurisdiction or regulating agency.
  • ✔ Elected Government representatives, including Federal, State, Territory or Local officials
  • ✔ An employee or anyone on the board of the Australian Health Practitioner and Regulation agency
  • ✔ Finance related officers, including those that work in the banks, a building society officer, credit union officer, finance company officer and related positions for those employed over five years.
  • ✔ Veterinary Surgeon
  • ✔ Accountants and members of an accredited accounting agency including (CA, ASA, IPA, CPA, ATMA, NTAA)
  • ✔ Minister of religion, or marriage celebrant

Any member of the following groups;

  • ✔ Chartered Secretaries Australia
  • ✔ Engineers Australia (except for students)
  • ✔ Member of the Australian Defence Force, including an officer or non-commissioned member of the armed forces with five or more years of continuous service; warrant officer. I.T. also includes officers from the Warrant Officer rank and above under the Australian defence service.
  • ✔ Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • ✔ Notary Public
  • ✔ Holder of any other Statutory office not specified
  • ✔ Police officer in service
  • ✔ Sheriff or Sheriff's officer
  • ✔ Permanent workers and Employees who have five or more years of service in any of the
  • Commonwealth or related authority
  • State or Territory or the corresponding authority
  • Local government authority

Who can certify an ID document outside of Australia?

If the documents have an origin outside of Australia, other relevant officers will have to certify them like;

  • ✔ Notary Public
  • ✔ Australian Consular Officer or a diplomatic officer (within the scope of the Consular Fees Act 1955 in Australia)
  • ✔ Justice of the Peace in Australia

What does an authorised person need to certify your documents?

The authorised officer must take specific steps in certifying or authorising an identification document for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check. Whichever personnel is authorising these documents should take it seriously, as it can get them in trouble in the event of fraudulent documents.

Although the process may seem straightforward, it still requires the personnel to employ the most cautious and safe actions.

The authorised officer must;

  1. Inspect the original Document that the candidate gives them to confirm that it is authentic,
  2. Confirm that the Document is a copy of and identical to the original Document,
  3. Using their stamps or Pen, they must attest the Document with the statements.
  4. On a page or Document that has a photograph, they must certify this page with a stamp and the following statement;

I certify that this is an Authentic copy of the original, and the photograph is a true similarity of the person presenting the document as sighted by me", and sign and date the copy.


I have reviewed the original document and certify this to be a true copy of the original page”, and sign and date the copy.

  1. The authorised officer must complete the certification of the document copy with their information such as;
    • The Full Name of the Official
    • Occupation or Profession of the person (including their work or Profession number, if relevant)
    • Phone number of the personnel.

What makes a document Certified?

A document is considered certified if it has any of the following marks;

  1. Signature of the Authorised officer,
  2. If there are more than one page on the Document, it must have initials between every 2 and 5 pages,
  3. The first page MUST carry the statement; ‘I have Reviewed the original Document and certify this to be a Valid copy of the original,
  4. It must also contain the information of the authorized personnel such as;
  • ✔ Date of Certification,
  • ✔ Contact phone number,
  • ✔ Occupation or Profession, including their phone number,
  • ✔ Have a stamp or seal of the Authorized officer where necessary

All pages or parts of the documents containing photographs or affixed passports must include the following statements by the Authorised officer;

'I certify that this is a real copy of the original, and the photograph is a true likeness of the person presenting the document as sighted by me.'

How will I know which Document to certify for my application?

When applying for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check, there are instructions on what the candidates will and cannot do. The application process will clearly state which Documents the candidate must provide certified copies of. It is important to note that the online application process via ANCC does not require the applicant to certify identification documents.

If on the other hand you are applying for a nationally coordinated criminal history check via a State or Territory Police Force then you may need to certify or attest your ID documents. Applicants should carefully check the instructions of the issuing provider and follow them accordingly.

When should I certify my Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Document?

Generally, there is no time limit to certifying your Document, given that the Document itself has not expired. Usually, most candidates submit a document that is certified within the last year.

For a more credible result, it is better to certify your Proof of Identity document between the period you need them and the last year.

What documents are used for Proof of Identity for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?

The NPCS requires that every applicant submits at least 3 (three) documents that prove their identity and any other information they offer.

Where any ID document is written in a foreign language, there must be a reliable English translation from a Professional accredited translator by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).

The proof of Identity document falls into three categories including;

  • ✔ One (1) Commencement of ID document
  • Australian birth certificate issued by the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (Australian Government Unit) - not an extract or birth card
  • Australian Citizenship Certificate
  • Australian visa (supported by a foreign passport) current at the time of entry into Australia as a resident or tourist
  • Australian passport (not expired; however, if the Document Verification System (DVS) is used to verify the passport, it may be up to 3 years expired)
  • ImmiCard issued by the Department of Home Affairs

  • ✔ One (1) Primary Use in Community Documents
  • Australian passport (not expired; however, if the Document Verification System (DVS) is used to verify the passport, it may be up to 3 years expired)
  • An Australian driver licence, learner permit or provisional licence issued by a State or Territory, showing signature and/or photo
  • ImmiCard issued by the Department of Home Affairs to assist visa holders to provide evidence of their Commencement of Identity in Australia
  • A passport issued by a country other than Australia with a valid visa or valid entry stamp or equivalent
  • Proof of age or photo identity card issued by an Australian government agency which shows the name, date of birth, photo and signature of the individual
  • For persons aged under 18 years with no other Primary Use in Community Documents, a student identity document issued by an Australian government agency or Australian school only.

  • ✔ One (1) Secondary Use in Community Documents

The applicant has to provide any two of the following identity documents to complete the requirement for their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check;

  • Medicare card
  • Enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
  • Working with children or vulnerable people card issued by an Australian state or territory government unit;
  • Tax File Number issued by the Australian Taxation Office
  • Bank card, credit card (without recording the payment card number/s)
  • Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document
  • Certified academic transcript from an Australian university
  • Foreign government issued driver licence. Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a NAATI accredited translation
  • Firearms licence
  • Security Guard/Crowd Control photo licence
  • Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink)
  • Police Force Officer photo identity card
  • Australian Defence Force photo identity card
  • Aviation security identification card
  • Maritime security identification card
  • Credit reference check
  • Trusted referees report

Can I certify the Documents Myself?

Even if your role qualifies you as an authorised person, you cannot certify your documents yourself. A third party should only do the certification, and if possible, they must not be related to you.

Therefore, you must visit any other authorised personnel you know rather than certifying the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate yourself.

Do all Identity documents carry a photograph?

Not all three identity documents that you submit for a nationally coordinated criminal history check must bear a photograph.

Although not all documents you submit will carry a photograph, at least one of any of the documents you submit must have a photograph and signature.

What should the Proof of I.D. document show?

  1. All of the IDs the applicant provides must verify any of the personal information they submit (names must be consistent or backed up with a change of name certificate issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages).
  2. The ID document should verify their full name and date of Birth.
  3. At least one of the ID documents that the applicant provides must contain a photograph image of the person.

How do I submit my Document for a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application?

The medium you use in applying for the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check determines how you submit the required Identity documents.

The applicant can submit scanned copies, live photos or uploaded photos of their Identity documents through the online portal for an online application.

For physical or paper-based applications like applying through the Local Police office, the applicant may need to mail copies of their Identity Documents to the accredited provider.

How can I obtain a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check?


If you are an individual, you can obtain a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check certificate online via Australian National Character Check's Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check application and informed consent form. The results are dispatched via email.

Business and Enterprise Customers

Business and Enterprise customers are able to sign up to ANCC's business portal where they can order, manage, track and view candidates' Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check results on their business portal.

Organisations will undergo a process of approval prior to being granted access to ANCC's business portal for the purpose of nationally coordinated criminal history checks.

ANCC sends an invite to the applicant to complete their Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check online and handles the application and informed consent form. Contact ANCC's business and enterprise partnerships team today to enquire about setting up a business portal for your organisation.

Copyright & Disclaimer

The content on this website is communicated to you on behalf of Australian National Character Check™ (ANCC®) pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act).

The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction of this material may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.

You may include a link on your website pointing to this content for commercial, educational, governmental or personal use.

The contents of this website do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for legal or professional advice.

Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

Discount Base Price:

$52.90 + GST

$24.90 + GST

Base price including GST: $58.19

Base price including GST: $27.39

Start check Express processing available
See information (i) (i) Add the 'Jump higher in the queue' add-on at payment check out. This is a premium service and your application will jump higher in ANCC's internal queue, to be looked at sooner. Each application is reviewed by ANCC staff in accordance with federal government guidelines, prior to sending the application for a result. This means your application will be reviewed faster by ANCC. Any express processing (jump higher in the queue) only relates to the part of the process completed by Australian National Character Check (ANCC) for reviewing the application in accordance with federal government guidelines. Once ANCC has sent a check for a result, the National Police Checking Service or police agencies do not offer an express service. 70% of checks are returned in 24 hours. 30% of checks can take 15 days or longer.

Why use ANCC?


Fast online application form

The online application form can be completed in a few minutes online. 70% of results are dispatched in 24 hours. Approximately 30% can take longer than 15 days due to a 'potential match'.


Australian based support team

All of our staff are based in Canberra, ACT. All data is stored securely in Australia. Each application is checked in accordance with Federal Government guidelines. Support staff are available from Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM.


Top rated employment background check provider

ANCC is amongst the highest rated employment background check providers. Refer to ANCC's Google Reviews, Product Reviews and Trust Pilot Reviews.


Guaranteed to be valid Australia wide

A nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid in all States and Territories of Australia.

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About ANCC

ANCC® enables individuals and approved legal entities to apply for a nationally coordinated criminal history check, which is commonly referred to as a nationally coordinated criminal history check. The nationally coordinated criminal history check is valid all over Australia and can be used when applying for Employment, Probity, Licencing, or Commonwealth check purposes. Get discount employment background checks online. We beat prices!


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